A specialist in farm machinery to support you in the field and optimize your farm works


A freelance counselling service adapted to your needs

Training Courses

A range of courses according to your choice : in groups / in the field

Farm Machinery

Specialist in farm machinery including uses, maintenance and investment analysis


Control your machinery costs

Improve the efficiency of your equipment

Increase your work performance


Direct access to Examples of Services

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More assets  :

- Great experience in the field in farm equipment and professional Training in France and abroad

- Support and counselling in accordance with  your needs

- A wide range of data and documents about farm equipment

- High skills in analysis and performance controls of machines

- Steady concern for improving machinery costs through the operating, the maintenance and the assessment of cost prices 

          Conseils Agroequipements was created to combine expertise in machinery with the quality of a free lance counselling according to your needs. Through training courses or advice in the field, you can easily optimize your production costs or improve the performance in your works. Please, feel free to contact us to organize a training session, a performance check of your machines or a field demonstration. You can find more details about the range of services in the menu on the right.




Contact :



logo-jhe-2.png0033 (0)6 61 70 93 34
